











S lAXTITTXm.K, TIIiriinTKOI'I!' C'KHrnillD.K. 1M


by the An:








lilt, Collrholn-h-nl MUM-IUIl ,,f th.

of I'liilH.k


Shell depressed conic, turbinate, or planorbiform ; ap- entire, angular <»r sul.circular ; lip and columd! without nacre; umbilicus wide and dorp and u>nai: . lated margins; main sculpture usually spiral. Operculum OO1 ous, spiral.

Animal with very large, oval foot, notched in IV tacle*

cylindrical, thick, with eyes sessile on swellings m-u t!i, bases. Dentition variable. In Solarium (PI. 1, tigs. . . Pliilii)piti (I'l. 1, fig. 8) the teeth are long, spiniform, pronged without a central tooth. Jn Torinia (PI. 1, 11 ^s. 1 1 . a small central tooth, a lateral tooth with p edge united to the central tooth, and two margin ii are straight and digitated at their extremities. Thejai larium and that of Philippia arc liirun-d «>n PI. 1. ti^>.

The i>roper systematic position nt' the t:iinil\ S long a matter of doubt l>y most ant; -it assigned t»> th«-

neiuliliorhood of Trochidsu. (Jray in 1S47 (Xool. Troc.. p. l substituted for Solarium the name Arch I i.-h was

evidently :i typographical error tor A placed the genus in the Littorinida-. In 1850 (F Anim.), lie i-ai-cd the n'ciiii- to the rank of a t'imiU . it Architectomida-, he placed it

Melanid.e. In 1853 (Zool. Proc.. vinir the an

to be without teeth, he placed the family in his group Gymnu-


>nicid«, failed i<> Hn.l itch lie •_



1,-ulition <>f the Lrohiv. fiir Nairn-., i. ..•rally ftCCe] ,ii.l lanthina.


H - ;:»riutn, I Oonchy-

1 Solarium. 18

B, Solarium. ncli. Cal... 1853. \ lescribed l»y

v. 1^44, and llif Sulphur,

\I ihlishiMl in IS-." a pamphlet entitled

g :iii .Irl .Mc-lili'i-raiico/' hriviu-- sixteen

< 1 in tin-

athon lia\v fnll.»wiMi

I. 1 IIM\ .rltl.U' tlli' Urt'lltl^ :

position of, see Journal ., 1885.

opsis of Genera.

,m.v tnl.MillDJE. UKJK.

. innl.ilicus » Strongly rirnul:if ill. Opcrciiluin rurn.


Shell ti:: '" usually

Opnvtiluin iy -pinil of nurn-


croiis volution^, iiili-rnal ' median projection.


Shell depressed, planorhiforni : \\li

l>t in Keeyliomphalus, in which tln-\ spin- tlattened or involute.


Genus SOLA 11 1 I'M.

Shell depressed conic, angular at tin- pnlp!;« i\ ; *p subquadrangular, lip simple ; innbilicn- spiral, wide and perspective.

Animal with lar^e loot , notched in front. pronounced marginal fold: head large, Pan tentacles which are short, thick, cylindrical and suture below; eyes on swelling near the <»nt.-r '"-' tentacles; gill-cavity divided i.y a Ion-it udinal !'.»! 1. (I'l. 1. figs. 1, 2).

Architectonica (Bolt. 1798), Qraj "i.

Inhabits warm seas, world-wide. Possil, mow Dan Eocene.

Subgenus SOLAUIIM. L-iiuan-K

Surface of the shell strongly and closely seolptU tudinally, spirally sulcate and ril.t.ed. Opciculum C paucispiral, with the nucleus sul.ex

Solariorbis, Conrad, is a >ynonym.

Subgenns PHILIIMM.',.

Shell without lon-itudinal sculptun . obsolete. Operculum flftttenedj whorli Bam«

nucleus subcentral, internal fl process. (PI. 1, lig.

. Deshayes, 180:;


Shell depressed, trochiform ; whoi

ornamented with small transverse B< !">rl-


ill. roui

I l.r\l\.\. I'M. 188


l.iliral i which the pilhir i>

thin i the mnl>ilieal rib to the earina the

i. tlc\iiou<ly einariiin


-lightly i' efore jnininu

tin- ! -rl.

'i .-ill probability to the Solariida' ; 1C Trorliula- and

it with n (liirm-nt aperture, When irina mi;- t tni-ward li!-

.. When tidnlt. the nuc-li-ar i)i willi :\ ><.lid (1. -hclly in.-ittcr, and it

iit notch at tin- end of the nml>ili- 1IV.-7 //'

Gci,'- TolMMA. ' 10.

i-ll turl»i; efi planorbiform ;

unil»ili«-"- tivr. ii- inai

•Ininella Dimple. ( )|.rrciihi]ii COr- 'ernrilly sj»ir:il. of nniner-

l-y pi1" iiicrnal faet-

!'l. 1.


i. -pir- ilar, lip ..luinella )»erpen-

and nt.

//, T()rl>., IS II , :ni'l 7'< /•- ••'/

iionym-. -1'

Submenus r>Ki IM,M \i.\\

Sln-11 diacoidal, planorbiform ; \\lmiU :,, milar. Opercnlinn as in T<>rini:i r< •-! rieted.

Me<l /

Submenus GtYRiacUB, Til>eri. 1SG8. Slu-ll tnrbinated, conically turricnlated, umbilici, rounded, oninulatcd, spirally sulcate and ribto circular, the simple margins unitr«l by a Calloui culinn cxtc'i-nallv flat and mult i-piral, furnislM-il intnually with :,tral stylifonn process (I'l. 1. liir- 17). M<

Subgcmis p]piscYNTA, Morch, 1 Slu-ll glassy; periphery with a doul.le Beriefl simple, direct.

Subgenus CLIMACOPOMA, Fisch.. 1 \

This subgeneric name was proposed l.y I»i of Conchyliologie, Fasc.,viii,p. 714)upon grounds pur- thetical. When Deshayes found in the Paris Ha«*in a i operculum having all the characters of tin- "pnciilum ot recent Torinia, he suggested that perhaps it belonged to 5 rium patulum, Lam., but never succeeded in tindiu- it in | tion. Dr. Fischer, anticipating the discovery of BU with the shell of Solarium and the operculum of i proposed for the discovery, yet to be made, tin-

generic name.

Genus OMALAXIS. Desh.. 1830.

Shell subdiscoidal. Hat or slightly ^""(- carinatcdat the periphery : peristomc not < wide and deep. Operculum multispiral. 1832, ia a synonym. Coa*t of New I



(Jciui^ orilll.KTA. Vanux< Shell discoidal, planorbiform; whorUi aumerow,

very convex. Fossil, PaleOZOlO. 0. l*»ta, Hall-

(Struct, and Syst, Conch., I'l. 65, ftg. 19-)


•MI-MALTS. Bowb., 1814. Bed, pi- :• concave : infe-

\\horls in 00 ttVOl :it the

TOM A. Bronn, 1835.

planorh horls more <>

:it t ffld below; aperture

Ti-onal. lip >inuous, prolonged !'•'

sil, I ^ rope. S. Fa Vorn.


Gcir J LIOMPHALUS, Portloek, i

(abdlacoidal, planorbiform ; whorls fi-\v, r<mn.U-<l •, «li«..lutr : lip simp;. ;l,

Struct, ami Syst. Conch., PI. ig. 20). _

-oLAKIl'.M. I-Min.. 1 Sub i.. \iur.M (restrict'

S.PEB8PEITINJ M. Linn. PL S, fig*. 18 81.

Uinl'ilical rnMiulntions l.n.wn; wlmrU spirally Buloate below

;.ir:illy -ulcatc and

abov. - low the pi-ripln-ry and nr:ir the umbilicus; <-..lor

ash or li.L'ht yellowish brown with intrrruptcd or con- tinuous brown b:i IN and In-low the upper Bl

intcrruj>tcd Itrown brunN on the ribs about the periphery nnd anot nnbilicu<. Piani. -J-;". in<


Hinds; S.zonnti,n< and N. ///- cisurn, I'liil., are synon^'ms.

Phi!. II. L>. fig». 20, iM.

A - -hell than lli- >r olive-

nd at the -Mt lire, a white . band below the upper sulru*.

rib abovctjle li-h brown bund.

•elow it spotted with yellow or yellowish brown ; iimb: !i or purplish brown.

BOLAB11 M. c,

S. M..1M-.STI M, Phil. PI. I'.

Umbilical crenulations white ; wboi ,r tho

suture, ribbed at the periphery, spiral); Mild In-low the periphery :uid near tin- D or brownish with :ui interrupted brown t continuous in-own bands below the up]

above tin- periphery, periphery :md inferior rib with brown spots; base with an interrupted brown '• bilk'us. Diain. !•:> inehes.

Very much resembles S. i>(>r*i>t><-l inn,, and nui; vnriety of tlint species; it diiirrs in tlie coloring only.

S. TKIIDIX. Hinds. PI. 2, figs. 24. 5

rinbilical crenulations small, white ; wh<-rls spiral iH'iir the suture, ribbed at the periphery. spir:ill\ ribbed above and below the periphery and near the n ribs crenulated ; color pale brownish :i-h with Icuid- ol red-brown spots near the suture, on the ribs about the j. and near the umbilicus. Diam. T3 indies.

Malacca; Ceylon; X. 1C. .

In general appearance this species very much young state of S. perspectwum but is easily di->tin'_rii;-h:i!>'. the finely crenulated ribs about the periphery and tin- II pearl-like crenulations of the rib around the umbili--

S. DUNKERT, Hanley. PI. 2, figs. 20. -J7.

Umbilical crenulations white; whorls spirall;. the suture, ribbed at the periphery, spirally sul.-a' above and below the periphery and near the umbilicus, ribs crenulated; color fulvous-drab with intrrnij near the suture, on the ribs about the peri pi. umbilicus, and with obscure, radiating, int« rr;

blotches. Diam. 1-1 -f) inches.


This species resembles 5. pcr(fwr,bn1 is more plentif

and has obscure, radiating blotch

S. MAXIMUM, Phil. PI. 3. lig<. :51 34,

Umbilical crennlations white; whorls Bpin -i rally

bisnlcate below tin- suture, ribbed »1 tl

10 801

:ili«l lirar the

inn1 - that tlir brown

,!1\ \VMJl!


tlu- -;iit inv. hut I agree with i: -. th nkii,

!<li-h-l>r< ipture

aixl <•(•!(. r :i<


1. PI.:;


color pii: '.•rniptrd l»:in«ls nf r.' nut

he i'cri|>lici \ sjMittril with n-«Mish- M w itli :i I'Mii-l of di-t:iiil , rouinl ivil«l Bh


\ in. Ti probalily

!y l.i-ulc:itc In-low

1 at the | J .! and rililu-il

if mnliil <Ti-niihitf«l ; siir-

!. impiv^rd

growth-! , . \\itli :m intriTiiplr.l

I'l the iippt-r

UI«I jll-t l.rlow the ll|.|.rl- -II



-: l.:i<«- witli the

? Moluccas.

\l. 11

This >hell. whieh i- ju-t Mppn»Mcliiiig maturity. ! .-mil seiilpture of the upper surfiee very mueh like to tint of ,S. nui.i-inmm. The distinguishing ch:i r:ir1 eri>t ic- :i re t lie ln-:illy project MIL: riii of tin- periphery :in<l tin- of the II-IIM! rib

Mild sulcus below the peripheiy.

01UM, llanley. PI. -, lig. :;<».

rmbilienl eiviml.'it iun^ whii«-: wliorls spirally bisulcftte IU-.-M- the suture, ribbed .-it the periphery, spirally sulcate and ribbed

.-iltove :nid ln-luw llie peri|>liery and iienr the Minhilifiis ; color purplish flesh, with :»n iutcrrupti'd chestnut l»:ind spi-e:i(liii^ IV«.iM

the suture beyond the second 8ulcii8, one on the riii above the

pcriplu'ry :ind :i very lino, interrupted linnd just nlmve the rib. I>i:un. \-'2 inches.

lluttiini unknown.

In sculpture this species resemlilcs N. '///ntlrici'jt^ ; the cohjr l)Miids nre its chief chiirMcti-ristics.

S. Pur.iTiiATi M. Hinds. PI. 4, l'm\s. II, -\->.

I'mhilicnl crenulations p:de fuscous; sculpture .MS in S. mo.ri- muin; color dark purplish ash with a double band of chestnut m'.Mr the suture, periphery and the superior rib plentifully blotched with duplicated brown spots; b;i->e slightly convex, plentifully marked with radiating- reddish brown streaks.

Hiain. 1'5 inches.


S. steUatum, Phil., is a synonym.

This species diUers from X. maximum in the darker color, the duplicated spots, the more convex haso and the fuscous crenula- tions of the umbilicus.

S. (iRANULATUM. Lam. PI. f». figs. 5:j, ~i\.

I'mbiliciis contracted, crenulations very strong: whorls spir- ally silicate with four principal sulci and traces of others, the impressed growth-lines of the spire breaking the surface into coarse granules ; color purplish ash or livid tlesh, with a I»MU<I of distant yellowish brown spots next the suture and a few light spots sprinkled over the surface ; l»;ise niMiiy ribbed and cren ribs >pccked with yellowish brown. Diam. 2 inches.

'inn t<> MVs/ Intl.-

> L. C

1J 80I.AUH M.

Solarium persp* - :i synonym.

M- Sulplr ibitat of this sp«

MM, Phil. I 7, 38.

Umbilicus co: liorls

M.I. in tin color yellowish civaiu

interrupted ban 1 bel-, \vthe suture, at the

i below tin- in'nhlh' of the whorl ;

in.-u, 19 -perked with yellowish brown.

Diam. 1 I

We iff I ' 0M . H iionym.

MiyiiK.u- with S. granulatum.

.1. PI. 1. Bg& (::. 1 1.

iinl.Mtions \vliitr «>r crc:un color; whorls

sm« llc*te, rililit-i] above, on and lu-low the

i n«-:»r tin- umbilicus: color pinkish-purple plenti- fully sprinkled with yello\vi>h-brown ; base with tine, n-vnlvinir -'•wn liue> :tn<l plentifully blotched near the with th. >lor. Diam. 1 l'f> im-lu-s.


<•<} by the pinkish-purple color, the sniooth-

nc«8 of the sh.-ll. the tour spiral sulei and the line revolving orange-brown lines on the !

. PL i.

c'»noidal ; unibilicus ratln-r narrow, with white

: whcrls spirally uni- * bisiilc:ite near 1 he

: i':illy snleat,- an«l ribbrd

above and low the i>eri|)herv and near the umbilici!^, ribs

t»'d. ent ed with close,

tig growth-lines; color pink:>h-ile<h with inier-

wn band- U-low ilu- suture, on the ribs about

band- near the ' :' the whorl-.


lations of tin- nan-ow

umb iiid thr line >culptui'e. K.

bma suggested t: may be an Au-tralian d \\art'

' MUI M. I :

v:iriet\ of S. I;i riijtifnni : The ' '-ral

shape, ill the narrow umbilicus and in the general color, hut, in N. l;t ri,//if/ini the ni:iin sculpture i-> -piral while in >'. /,'•


S. ri i.KiiNosiM, Hinds. I'l. I, tigs. 17.

I'mbilical erenuhit ions reddish-brown ; whorls spindly silicate near the suture, rihhed at the periphery, spindly Milc.-il.e and ribbed above and below the periphery :ind ne:ir the nnil.ili color livid-white with obliquely radiating dusky-brown blotches and interrupted brown bands near the suture, on the ribs about tin1 periphery and ne:ir the umbilicus. Diani. '2 ine'

S. maculatum, Reeve, and S. Hanleyi, Sowb. (PI. 5, I r>5, r»i;). arc1 synonyms; the type of the latter is a deformed specimen in which the base is very convex. This species is easily distinguishable by the radiating brown blotches.

S. CUMINCII, llanley. PI. 5, figs. 57, 58.

Umbilical crenulations tinged with reddish-brown ; whorls spirally sulcate near the suture, ribbed at the periphery, spirally silicate and ribbed below the periphery and near the umbilicus ; color livid-yellowish with obliquely radiating, interrupted reddish-chestnut blotches and light chestnut bands at the suture, on the ribs about the periphery and near the umbilicus.

Diam. T5 inches.

Habitat unknown.

This species differs from S. fuliginosum in having the blotches of a lighter color and interrupted and in the absence of a distinct rib above the periphery. It is perhaps only a variety.

S. BAIRDII, Hanley. PI. 4, iig. 49, 50.

Whorls with radiating growth-lines broken into five series by spiral sulci, periphery ribbed, spirally sulcate and ribbed below the periphery and near the umbilicus, ribs crenulated; color pale- fulvous with remote obscure spots. Diam. 20 mill.

lluhitat unknown. S. PLACKNTI I.A, Hinds. PI. 4, fig. 51, 52.

Shell discoid, very depressed; whorls smooth, regularly spi- rally striated, broadly ribbed at the periphery, spirally sulcate

14 M.

crcnnlattMl ; color palr-

; III.' prripln-:

il.'ii near tin-

mi.l.i. '.ill.



K>V6 Mini In-low the poriph

viii. ri.

ly shonldnvo!, obe< 'our <>r II vr. minutely

. itli j»hli(pu'ly Jtnnt, «•!• <»f a uniform mMi-

u'l an mtriTiiptr'l

'In- umliiliciK. umliilic-al wall ol^olctdy spirally rili'" .nlar. Diam. <> mill.

_ Cf

'fill S},<

M< >pan.

Hi" Janeiro.

. M 'i-fli. //.

I. inn. I'l. ">, figs. 59

•- liorls

i-ally snlcMtr. and rihl.c.l

Above an. I l.clnw tin- tin- nniliilicns ; c.,|(,r

' ii i>atclic> of wliitr ; base •olor than the U|»JM-:- Burl II.

: Ci'i/l'Hi.

I \ ;



-or \vlir iin.lnlatinLr, iv.Llish

••hea; base with -ui-li l.rown and


\':ir. A i BTH 1138, llaule\ ( nnliuiired ).

Tawny brown or reddi>h brown color, cif her with spinl ! <»f a darker color or banded above with -mall, clO86, wh Mini l'rh»\v with angnhitcd \\hitr Bpotfl il whorl

with spiral light and dark line- <.|' color,

S. OING1 I.i M, Kiener. I'l. 5, figS, I',:;. C, I.

I'mbilicns contracted, creimlat ions white, very -1 POHg : whorls regularly, spirally strintcd, ril>l>cd at the pcfiphn-y, spimlly silicate and rilibrd :i))ove and In-low the periphery Mini near the uinliilicus ; color white, upper part of the whorl yellowi>h-l»rown with rays of the same color deM-eiidin^ to the periphery ; ha-e slightly convex and of a pale-^inoky color. Diain. 1 inch.

S(l,i<lwi.rh /X.; /My/ /x. ; ]>/, i 1 i J >j , i II, .< .

This species is easily distinguished by the scalloped white band above the periphery. The shell ditl'ers from S. Jujhridiim in tin- coloring and in the less convex base, but is probably only a variety of that species.

S. oxYTKoris, A. Ad. PI. 5, figs. fif>, (Jr..

Shell depressed, umbilicus wide; whorls smooth, plane, ribbed at the periphery, spirally silicate and ribbed above the periphery and near the umbilicus; color white, glassy, ornamented with yellowish brown ; base convex. Diam. 13 mill.

New Caledonia.

The type of this species which has been considered by Hanley to be a young specimen of S. hybridum, differs from that form in being quite depressed, in the widely open umbilicus, and in the absence of a rib below the periphery.

S. PSEUDOPERSPKCTIVI-M, Brocchi. PI. 5, figs. 07, 68.

Shell very depressed ; umbilicus rather narrow ; whorls planu- late above, having three nearly obsolete moniliform raised bands, ribbed at the peripheiy, spirally silicate ami ribbed near the umbilicus ; base slightly concave near the periphery, convex in the middle. Diam. l-4 inches.

Mediterranean^ No/

S. perspectii'ff'H'iin', Tiber! ; and ,S'. ///sr//x, Phil., are <ynonvm<.

S. MKDITKKK \NKI:M, Monts. PI. 5, ligs. c.'.i, 70.

WhorU t 5. smooth, rapidly inci'easing, ribbed at the periph- ery, spirally snlcate and ribbed above the periphery and near the

•lor fulvous ; l»:i- trie im-

i .1 inch. M(


: of Mi<

.in. PI.

Tinl -AliMt rounded,

1 In-low tlu»

-h with 1 liiir l.n.wu dots

rihs about the periphery ; '

rotund. ill.

Australia, I'l. 5, fig. 78, 71.

: uinliilic:il crciiulatioiis white; wliorl< :

;r:illy suloatr and rililunl below

•lor lu-ov . !hc ril.s at tlu- pc-ripln-rv

obecurely spotted with wl, '• Mihi-otund. Diam. i:j mill.


•it (not Linn.), is a synonym. h many authors include in th- my of

- from it in l»ci;. ;ited, in the

L0€ of the l«and l.elow the suture and in tl.

Genus Fl.i \i\ \.

1!'' .<(


:IMA. Oray, 1840. 1). PI. 5, figs.


' periphery

and .-low it i r radiating, alter-

INTA. 17

Date, "I" white :md brown; m:ir_rin of umbilicus cn-iiu-

l:ited. umbilical wall with :i <'rennl:ite<l , medial ril».

I>i:un. Id IT mill.

/:•;! >Vr7,; Indian 0. : I

T. <////v/, Mensch.; T. areolt, (Jmel.; T. /,rr^i>rr/,rn>/icula1 Hillwyn, MIK!' T. Irwlatn, I>esh., are synonyms.

V:ir. D1PBM8A, Phil. I'l. f>, figs. 78, 79.

Shell very depressed ; color white with radiating brown streaks, interrupted white l):inds on the strong ribs about the periphery, umbilical crenulations and surrounding portion of the base white.

Var. PI-ANULATA, Hanley. PI. 5, fig. 77.

Shell very depressed ; color brownish, with interrupted white bands above the suture and on the two strong ribs about the periphery.

In the American Journal of Conchology (vol. v, p. 81, 1869), AV. PL Pease states that the operculum of T. variegata from the AVest (V-Kt of America, differs widely from that of the same «-s from Hawaii and the East Indies. He thus describes it : " It is composed of plates disposed in the shape of a screw, of three whorls. The plates are wide apart, and furnished on their edges with short, stout bristles and the sides reticulated with raised stri:i- "' (PI. 1, fig. 14-16). 1 have examined specimens of the West Coast species, kindly loaned by Dr. Robert E. C. Stearns, of the United States National Museum, and am. unable to verily Mr. Pease's statement, the opercula being normal.

T. DORSUOSA, Hinds. PI. 5, figs. 80, 81.

ShelJ depressed ; whorls longitudinally striated, spirally sili- cate and ten-ribbed, the rib on the periphery and that below it being strongest; color reddish brown, confusedly blotched with white, the two stout ribs about the periphery with interrupted white bands; umbilicus moderate, crenulated, umbilical wall with a spiral medial rib. Diam. lo mill.

Pacific Islands. T. CYLINDRICA, (Jm, 'I'm. PL 5, fig. 82.

Shell conic, elevated ; whorls longitudinally striated, spirally sulcate and ten-ribbed, the three ribs about the periphery being strongest; color chestnut-brown, sparingly mottled with white


-i" «'t* umbilicus 1. mnl.iliral v, 1 s mill.

i! racea,


g(. Mark, with

Mitnrr and nn tin- p«-ripli umltiliral wall wit!. mill.

I!'- si I

) a synonym.

a from t> , l»ut is

ps nnly entitled ,1 rank.

5. 85, 8G.

•; whorN longitudinally snlcatc, <pirnlly tree superior ribs the smallest : f-olor ted i iiitr l>an.N above tin- sir

on t i on the rih In-low it, and a l.rowni^li white

. umbilical wall with two spiral ri

the liamlin-j;, th> whitish hand in tiu- ajti-i

lig 86 a.

with smoky In-own ,^]

>r four spiral ill.


-. 87, 88.

v -iilc:ite i-an-

uml.ilical w, i. Alt. *Jo mill.

inds. T. dwlbala, llimls, is a s\

MA. 10

T. IfiGHELsr, Phil. Pl. 6, Bgs. 89, on.

Shell Q nrhorla 1 .".jon^itn'linnlly strUted,

spir:illy su'eate and ribbed, periphery strnn^ly sn!

profound i-i vish ash t hrouirhoiit ; umbilicus rather open,

ils margin slightly erenulated, umbilical \v:ill with or without

spiral ribs. ])i:nn. S-1*J mill.

Sandir/rl, It is '/'. <•<!<•!, ^toma, Migh. (not, Menke).

T. DILECTA, I>esh. PI. ('.. iigs. 01, '.)•>.

Shell discoidal, slightly convex; whorls (',, striated, spirally sulcatc and rihlx-d, granular, periphci-y stPniLrly ribhiMl, suture distinctly channeled; color tsiwny ; umbilicus very wide, with a civuulated rib :it the border.

Diain. 12'5 mill.

Me of Bourbon. T. STIIAMINKA, (imel. PI. 6, figs. 93-00.

Shell convex ; whorls longitudinally striated, spirally silicate and ribbed, ribs broad and 11'it, suture profound; color uniform }Tellowislr brown ; umbilicus wide, ribbed at the border, rib cren ula ted, umbilical wall with or without spiral ribs.

Diam. 1 inch.

Tranquebar; Philippines; Neiv Guinea.

T.fulua, Hinds, is a

Var. SICULA, Cantr. PI. 6, figs. 95, 96.

The older authors gave the East Coast of Africa as the habitat of S. stramineum, but afterwards a smaller shell agreeing with this in sculpture and color, and differing only in size,

was found in the Mediterranean and identified by Philippi (Knum. Moll. Sicil., i. p. 173) as the same shell. Cantraine con- sidering the difference in size and the widely separated habitats has made the Mediterranean shell a distinct species, and named it T. xiciila. At the best Cantraine's species is but a variety, of which T.fallaciotsa, Tiberi. is a synonym.

T. iNFUNDiin LiroiiMi-:, Gmelin. PI. li, figs. 07-99.

Shell depressed, convex; whorls rounded, descending slowly, channeled at the suture, longitudinally silicate, spirally su and ribbed, ribs granular; color uniform brownish; umbilicus

20 TOR!

wall spirally

[or with alternatini!; an.l .lark brown. I1 'iiill.

rin I '••// />'.

: T. C>" Kim., are

p-.oihly tin- smie, lint the

:; . :•

rnamcnted with white and :i Spots.

KXE8TRATA. Hinds. Tl. 6, OgS. 100, 1.

Jitly convex: whorls u-ranular. louiritudi-

njili ' -ate :in«l ril)ln'(l, the three rilis jd.ont

are cliannele<l ; luisc ronn.le(l,

granular; ninl»ili«-u^ wide, margin many c-renulated, uinhilical

:ire r<Min<l, nearly continu-uis.

10 mill.

New GH

type of this species was a dead shell, with \ id.-ntly, had l>een Ivin-j; in the mud for

<\ perhaps the cancellation is somewhat mot' i;iy be looked for in living specimens.

Is. ri. n. r,.,rs. -j.

wh-.rls grann >p, roundel l»elo\v,

Mineled a Mi-it iidinally >triatod. spirally

it«- and : :-il>hery and that below it

Cl > ' -red hands nd heluw the periphery and •iMihilicu- :h white crenulat

umhilieal wall of a choc -ture


New G»>

t.CA !igS. 4, 5.

whorls spirally si: 1 tuhermlar m-ar

in the middlr, periphery l.mad.

with two tui iftcoas, shining ; base rounded


radiately striated, spirally sulcatc; umbilicus wide, in numerou-ly crenulated, umbilical \\nll \vilh :i spiral rili. I)i:un. \} mill.


Ma-ilv known by the flatness of (he -hell :ind the two \ prominent, ribs about the periphery. Hanley's figure of this sprcies in Tlies. Couch, is a very poor representation.

T. DiBOOiDiA, Pease. PI. <;. iig. o.

Shell very depressed; whorls finely granulated, slightly chan- neled at llit' suture, spirally snleate and ribbed, the two rib the periphery being very strong ; color white, clouded with very faint chocolate; base rounded, umbilicus lightly crenuhited, channeled, umbilical wall with two spiral ribs. Diam. 0 .'J mill.

Paumotus. T. ASPERA, Hinds. PL G, figs. 7, §.

Shell discoidal, slightly conical ; whorls rough, tubercular, radiate! v striated, spirally snleate, strongly ribbed on the per- iphery; base rounded, umbilicus very wide, its margin numer- ously crenuhited. Diam. 94 mill.

Strait* of Macassar.

The type of this species was a dead shell and consequent!}'' without color.

T. ARCIJIT.E, Costa. PL 6, figs. 9, 10, 11.

Shell discoidal ; whorls flat above, rounded below, channeled at the suture, longitudinally and spirally sulcate, crenellated ; color yellowish white ; umbilicus veiy wide, margin finely crenu- hited. Diam. 7'5 mill.

Mediterranean. T. SOWERBVI, Ilanlcy. PL G, figs. 12, 13.

Shell nearly discoidal; whorls channeled at the suture, with four granosc tMiiguhi', the upper three of which are equal and the fourth greater, last whorl with 13-14 cinguhe. periphery sloping off, not biangulute ; color yellowish white, clouded or vari< gated ; umbilicus moderate, its margins erenulated. Diam. »'. mill.

Mo i in, Tun in.

This species is distinguished from the preceding by the much more narrow umbilicus.


T. BI.-- rori>. PI. r,, figs. 14

Shell depressed rls5, Ion ~pir-

ribl ed,

uinbilit -i 1. uml«ilieal wall without iill.

f this species in ]

'Orb. I1

Shell -: ' rihl.ed. 1'odv-uhorl I'-'-rih!

i ; umbilicus Li ly cien-

: aperture round. 1> mill.

* M-

'1.1 tile 1 oWtll <)f


T. NAN\. Koch. PI. r,. fiirs. -JO. IL

Shell <l«-i>res8ed, globular; whorls rouii(lc(l. .-niLi'iiIar

:' the whorl with four elevated ril»s: color white with

radiating red blotches ; base smootli ; uinhilicus n < up-

Bha] i:in strongly crenulaUMl. uinhilii-al wall radiately

Striate-l. an«l h:>- :Mlar rih> ; apertui'e roundly

Irangular. I Hani. 6 mill.

T. EOENA,GouM. PI. ''.. ^3.

iM ; whorls mini'. -pir-

ally B uuil.ili.- . tin- two

nearly whi:

convex; uinl»ilieus wide, margin Btroi Mperture

subcireular. I)iam. 75 mill.


dim: <| h an intermixture

of the character I I am in dou

to which gem -mid he

T. BOBE.v -mith. 1'

I'V lilllih |g, low

rib«. with -h..rter ril>- iphery, pcri|»hery

strongly ribl IK ry

and having about 6 small spiial

•M \.

impivs«s.-d s|)ir.-il '. i< >r yellowi-di In-own; '

ve\. havinir numerous line spiral Lines near the peripl,-

iv«l with low ril»s radiat ing (Von. the uiiil>. Inch

they are nodulous. J)i:un. \'2 mill.


T. B08ULENTA, \Vat<on. PI. I',, iig. :M.

I'mbilieiis very wide; whorls .">, shouldered with three or fmir elevated spiral threads, hist whorl with numerous spiral thn tin- upper tour of whieh are very strong; color ruddy-yellow with bright crimson spots; umbilical wall with numcrou* spiral threads; aperture round. Piain. C> mill.


Unfyured and Doubtful Species.

T. HIISKI. Mi'irch. T. SULCIFKKA, Pease. T. BICAKINATA, Phil. China Sea.

Probably not a member of this family.

T. TRICINCTA, Phil. Guinea.

T. IMPLEX A, Mi^Ii. Oahu,.

Subgcnus PSKUDOMALAXIS, Fisch., 1883. T. ZANCLKA, Phil. PL 6, figs. 26-28.

Shell _ minute, planorbifonn ; whorls qnadi'angular, periphery Itroad, with a rib above and another below; color fulvous, clouded with alternate light and dark; umbilicus verv wide; aperture IK arly square. Operculum as in typical Torinia.

Ditim. •'>•;") mill.

Subgeiius GYRISCUS, Tiberi, 18C.7.

T. JKKFRKTSIANA, Tiberi. PI. (\, li :o ; PI. 1, fig. 17.

Shell turbinate; whorls 7, rounded, granular in spiral >. suture profound, last whorl slightly depressed at the base; eolor

yellowish, passing into a pale reddish brown; umbilicus moder-

ate, deep; aperture subrotund, the margins united by a callous deposit, colnmellar lip sinuous, retlected. closing a part of the umbilicus. Piam. 8-9, alt. 10-11 mill.

J/- <'a n.

24 TORI NI A— ov

' 33.

nite.shiuiiii:. roundly uml'ilinis mod.

. ;; mill.

ir> .-/ //

T; minute-

ple uml.i; ; to rule this

mily. IB OMALAXIS, Desh., :

IK ri. B,

,1 ; \\liorls alx.ut lour, cmitim!-

-lute. <-..' -pirally threaded,

. itudinali \\liitc. OF pnivrllanoiis :

uinhilici. all the whorls ; aperture oval, lip

not in contact with the whorl altove. Diaiu. ^-5 mill.

Pemambuco. 81.

: |.lanoil.iionn, iij.prr su: rly Hat, l»asi* v.-r

\ qoadrangular, the two peripheral anj

gtroi •••rijilKTal area spirally nhl»ed, sur-

'Wth-lines; color

i.-irly ami indiM im-tly handed with whitish

'; base gpira! ed; aperture tiapc/oidal with the

OUt«: - angular and the inm-r corner- rounded. Opereu-

. ir.ultispiral. sli-htl\ . Diain. 11 mill.


(). LIHATA, Verrill.




.Kthiops (Torinia), M<>uk<>. Synopsis, p. 142, 1830, . . 18 J'lthiops (Toriuia). Hanley. Tlu-s. Conch., iii, f. 68-70,

'\\ cyclostoma, Menke 18

Arrhita1 >Torinia), Costa. Atti (It'll* A cad. Scu-n/r., iii, p.

Hi, No. lf>, 1830, 21

ArchiU'C'toma, (jray. Xool. Proc., p. 151, 1847.

= Arcbitectonica, Holt., ....... 1

Arekitectonica, Bolt. .M us. 1708. = Solarium, Lam. . 5 Areola ( Tori n in), (Jnu-l. S\ st. Nat. Ed., xiii, p. 3;">7.~>.

= T. varietal a. Gmcl., . . . . . . .17

Aspera (Torinia), Hinds. Zool. Proc , p. 23, 1844, . . 21 Austnilis (Solarium perspectivum, var.), Ph. Zeitscb. fiir

Malak, p. 108, 1848, 8

Australis (Solarium hybridum, var.J, Hanley. Tbes. Concb.,

iii, p. 236, 1866, . . . . * . . . .15

Bairdii (Solarium), Hanley. Sowb. Tbes. Concb., iii, p. 231,

f. 48, 49, 18C6, . 13

Bicarinatum (Solarium), Phil, in Knster, ed. Cbemn., p. 23,

t. :J, f. 14, l«f):-j 23

Bisulcata (Torinia), d'Orb. Moll, de Cuba, ii, p. 66, t. 19,

f. 17-20, 185:*, 22

Bifrontia, Desh. Coq. Foss. de Paris, ii, p. 221, 1824-37.

= Omalaxis, Desh., 1>32, 7

Boivale (Solai'ium , Vcrrill and Smith. Conn. Trans., v, p.

r>21), t f>7. i'. :2(.), 30, 1882 22

Brunnea (Fluxina), Dull. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool ., ix, p. 52,

1882, 16

Ca-lata (Torinia), Hinds. Zool. Proc., p. 25, 1844, . . 20 Caicar (Solarium;, Costa. Microd. Ak-dit.. p. f)8,t. 11, f, 5,

1861, ... 14

Cbeinnitxii (Solarium), Kion. Coq. Yiv., p. 12, t. 4, f. 8.

= Torinia mfundi bull forme, (Jmel. . . . . .20

Cinirultim (Solarium), Kiciu-r. (Nxj. Viv., p. (i, t. 3, f. 6, 6 a, 15 CliinacoponiM, Fi-Hi. Manuel do Conch., j>. 7<>8, 1883, . 7 Conica (ToriDia), Pse. Zool. Proc., p. 514, 18C.:..

= T. Troclioidi-s, D«-h. Conulus (Solarium), Weink. Concb. des Mittelnn'or., ii, p.

2i',l, 1868, 16




. IS



. 18


infundibuliforme, (Jmrl. . . -"

. < ' . .,77.1-

. IS

. IT


. is

b. M«>11. <k Cnbri., ii. p. .

Phil. Conch. Cab., t. I. ..... 17

,. <U- risk- .k Reunion. p. ........ 19

Journ. Conch., iv,p. \v2, .......

= riiilipp;: ... 5

IL Kniiin. MolL'SioiLJi.p. 2-25, t. 28,

hi, . . !•">

Zool Proc., i'. 23, IM l. . . 17 p. 204, 1862, . '.*

t.. p. 411. 1843, . -

. '2'2


- ' . . . . .8

]>tlll. Mai. Ital.,

r ...... 10

544, . *2(> . p. 61, 1882,

: Ml.

=r - I. inn. . . . . 8

: . p. -21. ;

' . .... HI

Ml, 1:5 i \ \.

= < '1 . . . . . 1 '.»

A aim. -.•ni-- V. ' t .. l-!«lit.

. 11

: - 7. . .7

IN: iv. 27

CJ\ru^ ( Trorhu-0, MriiM-h. (Jroimv., |

= Torinia v:iri<-i:ata. (Jmel. ...... IT

Ilanlevi (SolarimiM. So\\b. Hanley, Ti,

= S. I'liliiiinosiim, II JIM! . . . . .18

ll.'U-rti (T.orinia), Iv>h. Enc. M.-tli., ii, p. 15$

= T. evlindiica. (iiiH-l., ...... 1s

Heliacus, d'Orb. Moll. de Cuba, ii, p. <

= Torinia, (Jrav, 1X40, ....... 7

Hvl.ri.luin ( Solarium ). I. inn. Syst. Nat, p. 12i'S, 1707, . 11 II \ bridnm ( Solarium ). I'd it (not Linn.). Conch.,

iii. p. 170. = S. conulus, Wcink., . . . . .16 Ilvliridinn (Solarium), Mont-;. Noli/. Solar. Mudit., p. 7, f.

'lO, 11,1873. = S. conulns. Wcink., . . . . 16 IinpU xa (Torinia), Mi-!i. Host. I'roc., ii, ]). L>2, 1845, . -i:\

linpn-ssnni (Solarinni). (J. ninl 11. Ncvill. Journ. Asiatic

. 15cn-al, p. 1(1-2, t. 17, f. 11, 18 . . . .14

Int-isnni (Solarium). Phil. Zeitsch. fur Malak., p.169, 1848.

= S. perspectivum, Linn., ...... 8

In f'undi bull forme (Torinia),'GmeL Sysi. Xat. Ed., xiii, p.

35T5, IT1.*;;, ......... 19

Iiiornatum (Solarium). d'Orb. ]Moll. de Cuba, ii, p. 67, t.

11). ['. 25 27. 1858, ........ 24

Jc-il'iv\-sianus (Gyriscus), Tiliei'i. Journ. de Conch., xv. p.

:Jo:{', 1807, . ......... 23

Kivl.sii (Solarium). Morch. Mai. Blatt., xxii, p. 155, 1875, 14 La-vi^atum (Solarium), Lam. An im. sans Vert., Kdit.Dcsh.,

ix/p «)8. 1845, .......... 12

La\ ardi ( Philippia). Ad. YA>O\. Proc., p. 317, 1854.

= Solarium hybridnm. Linn., ...... 14

Lirata (Oma)axis), Yerrill. Conn. Trans., v, p. 529, . . 24 Lutcum (Solarium), Ph. (not Lam.). Kninn. Moll. Sicil., i,

p. 174, t. 10, f. 27, is:id. = S. t-onulus, \Vdnk. Lnli'iim (Solarium), Lam. Anim. sans Vert., Edit. Desh.,

ix, p. loo, I8lf> ......... 1C

Mat-ulatum (S( larium). Hvo. Element. Conch., pi. 1:]. t'.

LSOO. = S. fnli.u-inosnin. Hinds ...... 13

Maximum (Solarium •, Phil. Zeitsc-li. 1'iir Malak.. \). 170,

L848, . . ........ 9

Mediterranea Torinia straminea, var.), Phil. Conch. Cal>.

Index. 1 a '[\ siciila. Cantr ..... 'I'.)

Mediterranean) (Solarium), Monts. Noti/'u- Foss. M. Pelle-

grino e Ficarrazi, p. 31, 1872 ....... 15

Mi-hflsi (Torinia), Phil. Kilter. Conch. Cab., p. Sfij 1853, 1 '.» Modotum (Solarium), Phil. Zeit. fiir Malak., j>, 17 1, l^ls, 9 (Torinia), k eh. fur Malak., 1851, . . 22



Solarium . H:«nl. 9. Condi., iii, p.

I'liil. . . .12

1. Conn -.!. p. I23, t. 44,

r. i . . -M

Nul, like. ] liir -Malac., p. IT".


. 7

v York, i. |.. 11, 1*42. . . 7

ma. /ool. PFOC.J p :;i7. 1*M. 1 ">

, nd8. ZooL Proc., p. :»2. 1844, . . 9

K>n. Challcnoi-r Kxprd . i' 18, 18* 24

,rium). Tilu'ri. Malar. Ital.. v, p.

j. = S. i Brocchi, . . .15

\iuinMiliis TrMclni-), Dillwyii. Cat., ii, p. 783,

iuia vari. . nrl 17

Pcn»|MTtiviuiirulu^ n'rni-lni-). u>cli. (ircii"V.. p. :

i486. = Solarium hybridura, Linn 14

Perepectivum (Solarium), Linn. Sv-t. Nat . K«l. xii. p. 1-JJT,

, . .8

'rr«.clni<).('luM)in. (in part). CmiHi. v, p. liM .

f81. = Solarium granulatum, Lam. 12

I'ln. ZooL Pn.r., p. \H\, 1847, . . 5

Phil. /rit. liir Malak., p. 171, 1848, . Id

PlacM-ni! MUD). Hin. Is. ZooL Proc., p. 22, 1844, . i:i

iuia rariegata, var.), HanU-v. Tlu-s. Condi. . iii. ! 1S6<5, . . . ' . . . .17

I . Garb. FOBS. Ireland. 1S41, . 9

Man. dc Condi , p. 7»',7. 1^83, . 7 um (Solarium). Wi-ink. and authors (not

iiuMiin. Mon . . .16

Pseudoperepectix inn (Solarium). Br<H-dii. Condi. Foss.


idlum (Solarium), Tiber! . .lom-n. di- Condi., xvi, p. '.1868. as 8. Mediterranean, Moi . . 10

Pmpuratum (Solarium), Hinds. Xool. Proc.. p. 25, IMi. . 11

Quadriceps (Solarium), Hinds. Xo<,l. Proc.. p. 28, 1s It. . 10 Solarium i. I! .12

. 1 1

. -2 ;

•i). -loiirn. Lini, Kvl, . -211


r.itll. Acad. Hrux.. ix,p. 343, Ib 19



Siculum (Solarium), Petti (not Cantr.). c

p. l-JO, I Si1,'.). = S. coniilus. \\Yink. Solariorhis. ( '.uirad. Amcr. .lour. Couch., i, p. :;<», 1

= Solarium, Lam. ........ 5

Solarium, L:nn. .loiirn. Soc. Nat.. Paris, 1700, . . .">

Sowerbyi (Torinia), Hanley. Zool. Proc., p. 206, 1862, . 21 Stellatnm (Solarium), Phi'l. ZcitsHi. 1'iir Malak., p. IT'J,

isjs. : S. purpuratum, Hinds 11

Straminea (Torinia), Qmel Syst Nat., p. 3575, . . 19

Siriii'Mta (Torinia infundibuliforme, var.), Ilanley. Th»^.

Gone., iii. f. IM, iscr, 20

Sulcatnin ( Solarium), 0. Costa (not Lamarck). Mem. AC:H!.

Napoli, 1S44. = 8. Mediterranean!, Monts. . . .16

Sulctttum (Solarium), 0. G. Costa, 1841,

= S. Mcilitcri-aiH'inii, Monts. Siilcifcru (Torinia), Pease. Amer. Journ. Conch., v, p. 79,

1870, 23

Taylori (Solarium). Hanley. Zool. Proc., p. 205, 1862.

= S. maximum, Phil. ....... 10

Terefcropoma, Iloehbrune. Bull. Soc. Philouiat. Paris, 1881.

= Torinia, Gray, ........ 7

Tessellata (Torinia), Desh. Ene. Meth., p. 160, 1830.

== T. variegata, Gmel 17

Torinia, Gray. Syn. Brit. Mus., 1840; Zool. Proc., p. 151,

1847 ' 6

Tricarinatum (Solarium), Stearns. Bost. Proc., xv, p. 23,

1873, . 14

Tricincta (Torinia), Phil. Zeitscli. fur Malak., 1851, . . 23 Trochleare (Solarium), Hinds. Zool Proc., p. 25, 1844,

= S. perspectivum, Linn 8

Trochoidea (Torinia), Desh. Enc. Meth., ii, p. 100, 1830, . 18 Tryoni (Solarium), Marshall, ...... 10

Undata ' Philippia hyhrida, var.), Hanley. Thes. Conch., iii, p. 236, f. 42, 43*, 18IJ6, . . . ' . . . .14

Valenciennesii (Architectonica), Morch. Mil. Blatt., vi, p. \'22, 14

A'arieirntti (Torinia), Gmel. Syst, Xat., p. :i57n, . .16

VrrrucoMim (Solarium), Ph. Zeitseh. f'iir Malak., j>. 172, 1848, 1-2

Vir-ata (Torinia), Hinds. Zool. Proc., p. 24, 1844, . . 20

Wmlilewskvi (Solarium), Morch. Mai. Bla'tt., xxii, p. If) 4.

1875, ... 14

Zancleus (Omalaxis), Phil. Moll. Sicil.. ii, t. 28, f. 11, 1814, 23 Zonatum (Solarium), Ph. Zeitseh. f'iir Malak.. p, 173, 184S.

= S. perspectivum, Linn S





1 - . Animal. Kien. ('


\:iim:il. Archiv. fiir :">

'111. TVl:

\ inn. Linn. .I:i\v. 1 liid.. t 5, I'. \ inn. Linn. I ' !«•!.

] \ I'diiv. 1'iir X; . ('.


8. 1 i'T


•iiltnn. Phil., K 11,. . . . .5

. 6 II. «-h.

, ii, t. 15, f. 7 1

rculnin. Condi. He Hcnn

. G ,111 of AY

r. Journ.

. 17 17. ' beri. < )pfrcnlnin. Jonrn.



lx. ID. Ilaii!




, t. 14, f. 8,